
5 second steam account generator
5 second steam account generator

The load dependence of the live steam pressure is then defined with the characteristic line CP2. In the design case, the pressure on the high pressure leg can be set internally with the specification value P2N. The inlet temperatures for the feed water and the steam for the two reheat legs are to result from the model from outside. In the case of internal specification, the temperature is assumed to be constant in all load cases. The steam outlet temperatures for all legs can optionally be set internally in the component as specification value T2, T4, and T10 respectively or they can be specified from outside. The expansion for Component 5 consists in an inlet (Pin 9) and an outlet (Pin 10) for the fluid to be heated in the second reheat (by default: steam) as well as an inlet (Pin 11) for a possible injection. For this purpose, also Component 139 features a view (Form 2) to place the component on a Component 21 (with Form 2, 4, or 5) and optically represent the boiler as an entity. As, however, the required heat demand is determined and output on Logic Pin 5 in an overall balancing of all incoming and exiting energy flows, it can be used as set point value of a controller (Component 12) for modeling a combustion with Component 21. It only contains the water/steam side of the boiler. Like Component 5, also Component 139 represents an easy way to model a steam generator with specifiable steam parameters without the need to display the individual heating surfaces in detail. This component is an expansion of Component 5 (“Steam generator“) by an additional leg for a second reheat.

5 second steam account generator

General User Input Values Characteristic Lines Physics Used Displays Example

5 second steam account generator